Mr Eby's Grade 3 Class
June at Last
Wow, it has been a fast year. Thanks for all your help to make grade 3 fun for the students. We have a few things in the works so please check agenda's and important dates for changes. For example, We are trying to figure out a way to have an end of year breakfast event that I will get back to you about once we are done crossing the "t"s on it.
This term we will be looking at Geometry and patterns in Math. We have been exploring plant life and soil in Science. We have some fun creative writing assignments planned to make the month go by.
There will be no library the last few weeks of school and I will not be sending folders home at that time. Please look around the house for books. It is amazing where those little readers can end up. Reports go home June 25th. Please send back the response sheets ASAP. There are no interviews planned at this time, but I am always open if you would like to discuss next steps. The students are off to Grade 4. Which is the first year of the junior division. They will be expected to start taking more responsibility and independence. It was a blessing and a joy to be allowed to take part in this year of their life.
God Bless,
Mr Eby
Have Questions About Parenting?
Positive Parenting Program!
The website is a great resource for any questions or concerns that you may have. All families have challenges. Raising children is not an easy thing to do. Check out the website for some tips, questions and great resources for helping a parent or addressing topics that are difficult with your kids (i.e. death, divorce, drugs, bullying).
Important Dates
Reading folder sent back to school every Monday
Library day Thursdays
May 28,29,30 EQAO testing(more information to follow)
May 31 Beach Day
June 7 PA Day (No school for students)
June 20 Closing Mass
June 25 Reports go home
June 26 Talent Show
June 27 Last Day of School